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Bicycle Diaries

Bicycle Diaries By Lohi Choichi Koran

₹ 250

     We had been riding bicycle for the last sixty days with out any tomorrows. In the woods it had been tomorrows never come. Even if come, it wouldn't make any difference. On off grid days, things went unperturbed and unconcerned. Now, all those repeated things of old days started approaching us. Being with present slowly started disappearing from the scene. The four walls of tomorrows started grinning on us.

                       We were still in the islands. Soon we would be reaching the land. A boat was ready to take us to the same old world.

  • Title :Bicycle Diaries
  • Author :Lohi Choichi Koran
  • Publisher :Matti Mudhranalu
  • ISBN :MANIMN2220
  • Binding :Paerback
  • Published Date :2021
  • Number Of Pages :227
  • Language :Telugu
  • Availability :instock