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Classic Fairy Tales The Gaint Woodsman

Classic Fairy Tales The Gaint Woodsman By Esha Publications

₹ 30

01.The Giant Woodsman

Once, there was a giant named Hans. He started working as a woodcutter. When his colleagues came to his house to wake him up, he stayed in his bed on his very first day. Finally he woke up and made a chick pea soup, which gave him entire strength and energy! Then, he went into the forest and pulled down two big trees he could find and placed them in his cart. While returning he saw some trees blocking his way. He lifted his cart with the two trees and his horse high above his head and put them down on the other side. The owner was delighted to see Hans return before the others with two large trees! And Hans went back to bed. When the other woodcutters returned, theycomplained, "Hans  is still sleeping." The yard owner replied, "True, but while in bed, he somehow manages to get some work done," and pointed out to the two massive tree trunks in the yard!

  • Title :Classic Fairy Tales The Gaint Woodsman
  • Author :Esha Publications
  • ISBN :MANIMN4187
  • Binding :Papar back
  • Published Date :2023
  • Number Of Pages :16
  • Language :Telugu
  • Availability :instock